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Publications 2018

  • Karmakar K, Kundu A, Rizvi AZ, Dubois E, Severac D, Czernic P, Cartieaux F, DasGupta M (2018) Transcriptomic analysis with the progress of symbiosis in ’crack-entry’ legume Arachis hypogaea highlights its contrast with ’infection thread’ adapted legumes. Mol Plant Microbe Interact. In press
  • Hooks KB, Audoux J, Fazli H, Lesjean S, Ernault T, Dugot-Senant N, Leste-Lasserre T, Hagedorn M, Rousseau B, Danet C, Branchereau S, Brugières L, Taque S, Guettier C, Fabre M, Rullier A, Buendia MA, Commes T, Grosset CF, Raymond AA (2018) New insights into diagnosis and therapeutic options for proliferative hepatoblastoma. Hepatology 68:89-102.
  • Baudement MO, Cournac A, Court F, Seveno M, Parrinello H, Reynes C, Sabatier R, Bouschet T, Yi Z, Sallis S, Tancelin M, Rebouissou C, Cathala G, Lesne A, Mozziconacci J, Journot L, Forné T (2018) High-salt-recovered sequences are associated with the active chromosomal compartment and with large ribonucleoprotein complexes including nuclear bodies. Genome Res. 28:1733-46
  • Indersie E, Hooks KB, Capdevielle C, Fabre M, Dugot-Senant N, Desplat A, Lepreux S, Merched A, Grosset CF, Hagedorn M (2018) Tracking cellular and molecular changes in a species-specific manner during experimental tumor progression in vivo. Oncotarget 9:16149-62
  • Van Ghelder C, Esmenjaud D, Callot C, Dubois E, Mazier M, Duval H (2018) Ma Orthologous Genes in Prunus spp. Shed Light on a Noteworthy NBS-LRR Cluster Conferring Differential Resistance to Root-Knot Nematodes. Front Plant Sci. 9:1269.
  • Gautier M, Yamaguchi J, Foucaud J, Loiseau A, Ausset A, Facon B, Gschloessl B, Lagnel J, Loire E, Parrinello H, Severac D, Lopez-Roques C, Donnadieu C, Manno M, Berges H, Gharbi K, Lawson-Handley L, Zang LS, Vogel H, Estoup A, Prud’homme B (2018) The Genomic Basis of Color Pattern Polymorphism in the Harlequin Ladybird. Curr Biol. 28:3296-3302
  • Moné Y, Nhim, S, Gimenez S, Legeai F, Seninet I, Parrinello H, Nègre N, d’Alençon E (2018) Characterization and expression profiling of microRNAs in response to plant feeding in two host-plant strains of the Lepidopteran pest Spodoptera frugiperda. BMC Genomics. 19:804
  • Orsucci M, Audiot P, Nidelet S, Dorkeld F, Pommier A, Vabre M, Severac D, Rohmer M, Gschloessl B, Streiff R (2018) Transcriptomic response of female adult moths to host and non-host plants in two closely related species. BMC Evol Biol. 18:145
  • Orsucci M, Audiot P, Dorkeld F, Pommier A, Vabre M, Gschloessl B, Rialle S, Severac D, Bourguet D, Streiff R (2018) Larval transcriptomic response to host plants in two related phytophagous lepidopteran species : implications for host specialization and species divergence. BMC Genomics. 19:265.
  • Gschloessl B, Dorkeld F, Berges H, Beydon G, Bouchez O, Branco M, Bretaudeau A, Burban C, Dubois E, Gauthier P, Lhuillier E, Nichols J, Nidelet S, Rocha S, Sauné L, Streiff R, Gautier M, Kerdelhué (2018) Draft genome and reference transcriptomic resources for the urticating pine defoliator Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Lepidoptera : Notodontidae). Mol Ecol Resour. 18:602-19.
  • Mondet F, Rau A, Klopp C, Rohmer M, Severac D, Le Conte Y, Alaux C (2018) Transcriptome profiling of the honeybee parasite Varroa destructor provides new biological insights into the mite adult life cycle. BMC Genomics. 19:328
  • Kincaid-Smith J, Picard MAL, Cosseau C, Boissier J, Severac D, Grunau C, Toulza E (2018) Parent-of-Origin Dependent Gene Expression in Male and Female Schistosome Parasites. Genome Biol Evol. 10:840-56.
  • Gully D, Czernic P, Cruveiller S, Mahé F, Longin C, Vallenet D, François P, Nidelet S, Rialle S, Giraud E, Arrighi JF, DasGupta M, Cartieaux F (2018) Transcriptome Profiles of Nod Factor-independent Symbiosis in the Tropical Legume Aeschynomene evenia. Sci Rep. 8:10934.
  • Szabo Q, Jost D, Chang JM, Cattoni DI, Papadopoulos GL, Bonev B, Sexton T, Gurgo J, Jacquier C, Nollmann M, Bantignies F, Cavalli G (2018) TADs are 3D structural units of higher-order chromosome organization in Drosophila. Sci Adv. 4:eaar8082.
  • Lomet D, Cognié J, Chesneau D, Dubois E, Hazlerigg D, Dardente H (2018) The impact of thyroid hormone in seasonal breeding has a restricted transcriptional signature. Cell Mol Life Sci. 75:905-19
  • Bogeas A, Morvan-Dubois G, El-Habr EA, Lejeune FX, Defrance M, Narayanan A, Kuranda K, Burel-Vandenbos F, Sayd S, Delaunay V, Dubois LG, Parrinello H, Rialle S, Fabrega S, Idbaih A, Haiech J, Bièche I, Virolle T, Goodhardt M, Chneiweiss H, Junier MP (2018) Changes in chromatin state reveal ARNT2 at a node of a tumorigenic transcription factor signature driving glioblastoma cell aggressiveness. Acta Neuropathol. 135:267-283

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