Publications 2008
- Chervin C, Tira-Umphon A, Terrier N, Zouine M, Severac D, Roustan JP (2008) Stimulation of the grape berry expansion by ethylene and effects on related gene transcripts, over the ripening phase. Physiol Plant 134:534-46
- Bertucci F, Orsetti B, Nègre V, Finetti P, Rougé C, Ahomadegbe JC, Bibeau F, Mathieu MC, Treilleux I, Jacquemier J, Ursule L, Martinec A, Wang Q, Bénard J, Puisieux A, Birnbaum D, Theillet C (2008) Lobular and ductal carcinomas of the breast have distinct genomic and expression profiles. Oncogene 27:5359-72.
- Chanrion M, Negre V, Fontaine H, Salvetat N, Bibeau F, Grogan GM, Mauriac L, Katsaros D, Molina F, Theillet C, Darbon JM (2008) A Gene Expression Signature that Can Predict the Recurrence of Tamoxifen-Treated Primary Breast Cancer. Clin Cancer Res 14:1744-52
- Lanois A, Jubelin G, Givaudan A (2008) FliZ, a flagellar regulator, is at the crossroads between motility, haemolysin expression and virulence in the insect pathogenic bacterium Xenorhabdus. Mol Microbiol 68:516-33
- Silhol M, Arancibia S, Perrin D, Maurice T, Alliot J, Tapia-Arancibia L (2008).Effect of aging on brain-derived neurotrophic factor, proBDNF, and their receptors in the hippocampus of Lou/C rats. Rejuvenation Res 11:1031-40
- Gasca S, Reyftmann L, Pellestor F, Rème T, Assou S, Anahory T, Dechaud H, Klein B, De Vos J, Hamamah S (2008) Total fertilization failure and molecular abnormalities in metaphase II oocytes Reprod Biomed Online 17:772-81
- Assou S, Haouzi D, Mahmoud K, Aouacheria A, Guillemin Y, Pantesco V, Rème T, Dechaud H, De Vos J, Hamamah S (2008) A non-invasive test for assessing embryo potential by gene expression profiles of human cumulus cells : a proof of concept study Mol Hum Reprod 14:711-9
- Kohlmann A, Kipps TJ, Rassenti LZ, Downing JR, Shurtleff SA, Mills KI, Gilkes AF, Hofmann WK, Basso G, Dell’orto MC, Foà R, Chiaretti S, De Vos J, Rauhut S, Papenhausen PR, Hernández JM, Lumbreras E, Yeoh AE, Koay ES, Li R, Liu WM, Williams PM, Wieczorek (2008) An international standardization programme towards the application of gene expression profiling in routine leukaemia diagnostics : the Microarray Innovations in LEukemia study prephase. Br J Haematol 142:802-7
- Assou S, De Vos J, Hamamah S (2008) Human embryo stem cells and gametes : science fiction or near future ? Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 36:908-12
- Navajas M, Migeon A, Alaux C, Martin-Magniette M, Robinson G, Evans J, Cros-Arteil S, Crauser D, Le Conte Y (2008) Differential gene expression of the honey bee Apis mellifera associated with Varroa destructor infection. BMC Genomics 9:301.
- Saidi A, Javerzat S, Bellahcène A, De Vos J, Bello L, Castronovo V, Deprez M, Loiseau H, Bikfalvi A, Hagedorn M (2008) Experimental anti-angiogenesis causes upregulation of genes associated with poor survival in glioblastoma. Int J Cancer. 122:2187-98.
- Tondeur S, Assou S, Nadal L, Hamamah S, De Vos J (2008) Biology and potential of human embryonic stem cells Ann Biol Clin (Paris). 66:241-7.
- Moreaux J, Veyrune JL, Reme T, De Vos J, Klein B (2008) CD200 : a putative therapeutic target in cancer. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 366:117-22.
- Deschamps M, Robinet E, Certoux JM, Mercier P, Sauce D, De Vos J, Montcuquet N, Bonyhadi M, Rème T, Tiberghien P, Ferrand C (2008) Transcriptome of retrovirally transduced CD8+ lymphocytes : influence of cell activation, transgene integration, and selection process. Mol Immunol. 45:1112-25.
- Rème T, Hose D, De Vos J, Vassal A, Poulain PO, Pantesco V, Goldschmidt H, Klein B (2008) A new method for class prediction based on signed-rank algorithms applied to Affymetrix microarray experiments. BMC Bioinformatics. 9:16-27
- Deschamps M, Robinet E, Certoux JM, Mercier P, Sauce D, De Vos J, Montcuquet N, Bonyhadi M, Reme T, Tiberghien P, Ferrand C (2008) Transcriptome of retrovirally transduced CD8(+) lymphocytes : Influence of cell activation, transgene integration, and selection process. Mol Immunol 45:1112-25